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Talk about Guilt

My dad’s birthday has me doing a lot of reflecting. It has been twenty months since he passed. Typing that feels unreal - like, the time has stood still and flown by at the same time.

It has only been the last few months that my feelings of guilt and remorse began to soften.

It was really rough. I could hardly give myself a break for being human. I was a bit preoccupied with my own challenges to really know what he was going through and no one else was telling me either.

I was facing some heavy stuff in my life, unfortunately, while he was facing a lot in his life so I wasn’t fully present and I didn’t know or maybe I didn’t let it register.

And for that, I've had a hard time forgiving myself.

I don’t think all of those feelings will ever totally go away, but I am so grateful they have softened because we all know, I can’t change the past and my guilt or remorse wasn’t helping anything.

Part of what helped my self-criticism was my inner work - you know that’s my favorite stuff in the world.

The other part is because I decided to allow the “I wish I would have’s” to fuel something good instead of keeping me feeling bad.

While I can’t change the past, I can put that energy into doing better and helping other people’s lives get better too.

So in a sense, it feels like I am honoring my dad by helping others because he thought what I do is the coolest thing ever.

We're all dealing with so much stuff, but what if we could let go of this stuff so that we could be present now and not be making up for it later?

There are many situations in life that we realize we wish we would have done something differently and sorting out our own stuff allows us the space to be there for others too.

If you feel like that’s something you could look at, might be able to help.

Immense Gratitude

As I am setting up my new center - Heart Space Center, I'm feeling so much gratitude for my dad and how much he encouraged me ALL THE TIME in my business dreams.

He was always my biggest cheerleader when it came to my businesses and any idea I had. Not just cheering me on but getting hands-on to help me make it come to life. I’ve been so lucky to have such support.

Once I started providing coaching in my business, he thought it was so amazing and would ask "How great it felt to be able to help people the way you do? It must be the BEST feeling!"

I know for me it has been amazing having someone that encouraged me, believed in me and ANYthing I wanted to do.

It helped me take the bigger leaps that I needed to take to reach my goals. I might not have done it otherwise and my dreams would have been just that, dreams.

Now, I get to live them!

I’m not sure everyone has that and not only that but you may feel like the things you want are out of your control or just beyond your grasp.

There are so many challenges that we can face throughout our life. Maybe you have one right now. What is going on for you? What have you been trying to break through? What dream are you wishing could become reality?

The 10th of September would be my dad’s birthday and I want to celebrate him.

That is why I am selecting 10 people to offer this gift of the Clarity and Action Session. It’s my tribute to him and my gift to 10 lucky people.

I want to be that for you so you're able to feel that feeling of support and increase your willingness to step outside of your comfort zone so you can actually reach that goal, and achieve the dream that has felt too far away.

If you are ready for support because you are wanting to stretch beyond your current circumstances and you’ve only been trying it alone, I’m here.

Doing something scary

I'm so excited to give you today's update. I'm doing something scary and I wanted to celebrate it with you.

It's so important for all of us in order to grow to take big scary steps, making moves, getting uncomfortable and I'm doing exactly that.

So what I did is I decided to make a choice to expand my other aspect of business and begin offering in-person sessions again, in addition to my coaching.

It feels so scary but it feels so good. I'm excited to be in this energy of expansion. In this energy of taking big scary risks and knowing that I'm taking a leap of faith so that they pay off.

If you're an entrepreneur you probably want to grow your business but maybe you're stuck.

If you're an individual, maybe there's been an area of your life that you've been feeling kind of murky about or you're feeling like you would like to improve... maybe it's your relationships, maybe it's your anxiety, maybe it's how you feel about your job.

As a certified coach, I've been supporting clients over the last 7 years and making the most incredible breakthroughs - breakthroughs such as uncovering anger issues as a symptom of fear of judgment, addressing the root cause and improving relationships, annual salary amounts to become the new monthly norm, or going from being terrified to be visible to going live to promote business with ease.

Now, because I'm so excited and so lit up about the moves I'm making, I wanted to help you make a better move this year, so you can be prepared for next year being the most amazing year ever.

Uncover the biggest issue behind why you have been stuck or not where you’ve been trying to get.

If you are an individual maybe it is a deeper connected more intimate relationship, more confidence, or direction.

If you are a business owner, maybe you want more money, a better connecting team, or to uplevel but you aren’t doing all that it takes to get there.

Maybe it is time to do something a little scary. Like the great Wayne Gretxky said "You miss 100% of the shots you don't take."

Let me know how it goes! Good Luck! And if you’d like support, reach out - this is what I do ♡